Sunday, January 26, 2020

English Literature The Nuns Priests Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer

English Literature The Nuns Priests Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer The Nuns Priests Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer The use of animals in the narratives ‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale’ by Geoffrey Chaucer and ‘The Company of Wolves’ by Angela Carter allows the reader to further understand the meaning that the composer has created within the text. ‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale’ is an example of Chaucer testing the bounds of a beast fable genre. Beast fable is a tale where ‘animals are used as embodiments or caricatures of human virtues, vices, prudence’s, and follies and other typical qualities of mankind.’ (Coghill Tolkien 12). ‘The Company of Wolves’ is the reconstruction of the folktale Little Red Riding Hood. The female character in the narrative ends up in the wolfs arms instead of his stomach contradictory to the fairy tale which challenges the narrative of masculine desire. With these examples we can clearly see the animal influence within these texts. Geoffrey Chaucer was an English author who wrote many works, he is best remembered for his frame narrative The Canterbury Tales. ‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale’ is a part of The Cantebury Tales which tells a tale of an old woman who had a small farm in which she kept animals, including a rooster named Chantecleer. Chantecleer had seven hens as his companions, the most honored of which was Pertelote. ‘Chantecleer does indeed represent abstarct ideas – and represents them in a way the is subtle, changing and often ironic – Chantecleer himself never becomes a mere abstraction. He is a very engaging creation in a very real world’ ( Stephen Coote 52). The idea of a rooster being able to hold such qualities those of human beings, reinforces Chaucer’s poem as a ‘particlar form of comic wisdom’ (Coote 33), through the use of barnyard animals. The poem begins with the romance between Chantecleer and Pertelote. Romance being a genre usually featuring noble knights and their ladies, evokes the comical view of such heroic traditions with the use of animals. Chantecleer’s first introduction is that ‘In all the land, at crowing he’d no peer’ (Geoffrey Chaucer 203). In this context, the description of Chantecleer evokes humor at the heroic traditions of that time on two counts. One is that ‘crowing’ (203) is not a heroic form and secondly that it is not particularly surprising that he does it well seeing as though he is a rooster, and that it is naturally what they do. The rooster is then described from his ‘comb’ (203) right down to his ‘nails’ with the colours of flowers and jewels. This is very strange when it is applied to Chantecleer, as this method is usually employed when describing a beautiful woman. Ironically this description of Chantecleer fits perfectly, reminding us of the swaggering beauty of this animal.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Factors on the Four Functions of Management Essay

In regards to internal and external factors that can significantly influence the four functions of management, include such items as globalization, technology, diversity, ethics and innovation. Furthermore, all of these items pay an important role in the dominance of General Motors in the automotive industry. GM has changed manufacture attitudes to concentrate on some strategic priorities those being to become common, envision lean and compete fast, participate on a worldwide footing, cultivate the business and as a rule significantly keep their attention on the finished goods. General Motors is determined to be committed to a lean and familiar single, global manufacturing approach (Automotive Intelligence News, 2003). The external factor of globalization is a major factor in today’s business world. Globalization additionally adds to the factors of cultural diversity and cultural ethics as it pertains to business climate, culture and organization. Likewise, even in the US General Motors deals with the issues of diversity and values based of the many cultures that live within the country. Diversity can be both a help and a hindrance to the four function of management, in that when cultural diversity is utilized correctly it aids in all phases of business. However, if both the countries or the individual workers feel that their culture or beliefs are being looked down upon or are demeaned this can lead to serious repercussion. The same ca be said concerning the ethics each culture holds management must walk a fine line to ensure no vilification or no indignity occurs. Globalization needs a firm touch and a steady hand in the first planning, which entails what countries a company wants to build and sell their goods to, while maintaining a presence in that country. What value the product will bring, the cost of materials, taxes or tariffs, and if the people of those countries have a  need, the cost, and the desire to purchase their vehicles. As to organizing, in globalization GM must ensure that local customs will not be pushed aside and must they maintain a proper level of respect and decorum in dealing with the local population and their cultural identity. Manager must organize by creating a dialog with other countries on GM’s products, explaining the utilization of each countries environmental assets and capital, showing how that being a partnering country with GM will help their country and its people. They must correspondingly incorporate the concept of co-design and systems approach, during the organization function to ensure each country has the belief that they are truly partners with GM. General Motors is currently in the process of restructuring their Global Vehicle Engineering organization. The reason they are doing this is to enhance cross-system integration and to bring more coherent implementation across vehicle platforms. They are also further addressing the functional safety and compliance in its vehicles worldwide (GM News, 2014). Whereas this reorganization moves GM away from long-established regional authority toward an organization built on global functions. As to the role of leading, globalization brings with it a different set of problems and requirements. In General Motors situation the leading function of management, in the terms of what the role intention is remains the same and can be defined as the focus of guiding the activities of personnel with motivation. However, the challenges of doing so on a global scale are daunting because of issues in cultural difference, in ethics and diversity. Managers must have a working knowledge of the country’s culture, its ethical stances, and language differences both verbal and nonverbal. The controlling function of management within globalization again comes with its own set of issues that need to be overcome. Likewise, to be able to establish standards, then measure the performance in contrast to those standards and make corrective changes to those standards and plans that have been determined ineffective (Merchant, 1982). In a global setting put additional meaning to the controlling function of management. Management for General Motors have been successful in the endeavor and proof of this can be seen in how they continue to rank near or at the top the list of vehicles sold worldwide. GM is closing the gap on Toyota lead in sales, because of changes in how they are using the control function of management to correct the situation.  Since, GM began to renovate its vehicle roster into one of the keenest and newest in the automotive industry from one of the eldest and more outdated ones (Jie, & Horie, 2014). So any and everyone can see how globalization as an external factor affects a company such as General Motors in its operations of the four functions of management. Technology in this case should be considered both and external and internal factor that can affect a company such as GM. Since, technology deals with not only information and enterprise systems to run a business, it also deals with the creation of new products and equipment to be use in their cars and trucks. General Motors in being such a large global company have an extensive enterprise system to deal with employees, customers, security, and data collection to enable it to run both effectively and efficiently on a global scale. However, technology in the creation and advancement of products goes hand in hand with innovation. We can see how technology is part of innovation, in the way GM addresses the idea of a fully electric car that can go 200 miles between charges. Additionally, the connection of technology and innovation is seen in General Motor’s electric and gas hybrid car the Chevy Volt. GM similarly has an all-electric car that can go 82 miles on a charge called the Chevy Spark (The Denver Post, 2013). General Motor’s innovations created a need for better technology in electric car batteries, charging systems. They also created a need for electric charging facilities for people who are traveling on long trips, which are still under research as to cost, viability, and the possibility. All of this innovation leads to technology to design and build components that will be needed to compete in this sector of the industry. What is more, all four functions of management are thoroughly affected by globalization, diversity, ethics, innovation and technology as these elements play a crucial role in the structure and running of any business in today world economy. References Automotive Intelligence News. (2003). GM’s Global Manufacturing System – A System To Build Great Cars and Trucks. Retrieved from GM News. (2014). GM Restructures Global Engineering for Cross-System Integration. Retrieved from Jie, M. & Horie, M. (2014). Toyota Beats GM in 2013 as 10 Million Vehicles Seen. Retrieved from Merchant, K. (1982). Controlling Function of Management. Retrieved from The Denver Post. (2013). General Motors working on 200-mile electric car, exec says. Retrieved from

Friday, January 10, 2020

Impact of Preschooling on Primary Enrollemnet Rate and School Performance Essay

Education is an undeniable tool for nation building. It is a process of orderly instruction and training to pass on knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes to people intended at nurturing them to play proactive roles in the development of their nation. But in Pakistan the condition of education is unsatisfactory. According to Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, ‘Pakistan is facing an education emergency. The facts are shocking. Half the adult population and two thirds of the [female] population is illiterate’ (Mitchell, 2012). Pakistan is significantly off track on MDG 2, achieving universal primary education by 2015. Furthermore, almost half of children enrolled do not complete their primary education this is an alarming figure. Similarly the literacy rate of Khyber Pakhtoon khwa (KPK) is very low it is 50%. For females, it is 30 % females while for males it is 70 %. It is a huge gender disparity where an important part of the society has such a low literacy rate. In 2010-11, 45% students have been dropped out at government primary schools level over a complete circle of 6 years. It includes 39% boys and 53% girls. Apart from economic and cultural factors the other reason for high dropout rate is that most of the students don’t academically score well in primary schools and hence fail to promote to higher classes. There base is not strong so there is a dire need to familiarize children of the age of 3 to 5 years with education which is done through Pre schooling, instead of directly enrolling them to primary schools Government of KPK, 2010. So the seed of education is sown by pre schooling. Pre schooling is a stepping stone and foundation for all the succeeding phases of further education. It is a tool which helps to acquaint and prepare children with schooling. A substantial body of research establishes that preschool education can improve the learning and cognitive development of young children. There is a positive impact of pre schooling on the cognitive and social development of a child this is discussed in detail by many researchers like Shonkoff and Philips (2000) and Gormley (2005). Furthermore it’s concluded that the academic performance of a child in primary schools is enhanced by enrollment in pre schools which includes their reading, mathematical performance and adjustment issues in primary schools. (Currie, 2002), Katherine et al. , 2006 and Entwisle, 2012). Parents play an important role in academic learning of children and in sending their children to preschools; this includes the education level of the parents, their perception of education and their income level which in other words drive them to send their children to preschools Fagbeminiyi (2011). In case of Pakistan there is little body of research available on pre schooling, which is on rudimentary basis and not very detailed, a lot of areas are still untouched as the concept is still new for Pakistan. Studies have been conducted but still there is a lot needed to be done. This turned out to be the focus of our study which is clearly discussed in the problem statement, i. e what are different forms of pre schooling and their impact on Primary school performance and enrollment. When broadly divided there are basically two types of pre schooling, Formal pre schooling and Informal pre schooling. Studies have been conducted on just formal pre schooling and its impact but partial or almost none of them are about informal pre schooling and its impact on enrollment and academic performance. As both are substantially different from each other. Informal pre schooling is learning that takes place informally at home mostly by Primary Group. A primary group is a typically small social group whose members share close, personal, enduring relationships and this includes, immediate family parents and siblings and relatives. In informal pre schooling learning aims are not pre-fixed. Medium used for education is also informal mostly done through tools like games, stories, rhymes. No specific scheduling is done or a specific syllabus is followed. Individual attention is given to the child its good but there is no spirit of competition and social skills of kids cannot be developed extensively. Whereas, Formal pre schooling is done in schools or madarassas, these are formal institutions. It is carried about by secondary group which interact on a less personal level then primary group and their contact is temporary. In formal pre schooling children belonging to same age group attend formalized classes, different books are followed, and they have rules, regulations and objectives. Students gain knowledge, skills and appropriate behavior by being in lessons of various subjects. Teachers follow schedule and lesson plan. Students are involved in various activities curricular and co-curricular, and from these activities their performance is assessed. Students performing to an expected level are promoted to next higher level grades. Medium of instruction and environment in both types of pre schooling is different hence their impact should be different as well. Because of which research will be conducted in KPK area to measure the academic performances and enrollment rate of the children who attended formal pre schooling and those who attended informal pre schooling. This will be done on the basis of in depth interviews and questionnaire survey of the primary teachers. The objective of this case study will be to find the answer of the following researchable questions: 1. What is the status of pre schooling in general and specifically formal and informal in particular and its impact on primary school enrolment in KPK? 2. How is formal different from informal pre schooling? 3. How does formal pre schooling effect the enrollment in primary schools? Formal pre schooling Informal pre schooling. Games Stories competition evaluation Social skills Rules and regulations Individual attention Primary school enrollment Academic Performance Reading skills Mathematical Social skills Unstructured References Currie, J and Thomas (1995) Does Head Start Make a Difference? American Economic Review, 85(3), p. 340-342. F. Fagbeminiyi. (2011) The Role of Parents in Early Childhood Education: A Case Study of Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Human Social Science, 11 (2), p. 3-5. Gormley, W. T, Philips, D. , and Dawson, B. (2005) The Effects of Universal Pre-k on Cognitive Development. Developmental Psychology, 41 (6), p. 872-873. Government of KPK, 2010. â€Å"Annual Education Statistical Report† (2010): 3-15. Government of KPK. Mitchell, 2012. â€Å"Education Key for Pakistan’s Future: Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell. † www. dfid. gov. uk/Media-Room/Press-releases/2010/Pakistan-visit/ Shonkoff, J. P. and Phillips, D. A. ( 2000) From Neurons to Neighborhood: The Science of Early Child Development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. p. 2-4.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Occupation of a Carpenter Essay - 2229 Words

The Occupation of a Carpenter Upon the interviews of two trade carpenters, a detailed description of the occupation of a carpenter came clearly into view. From some of the most general there was received a more descriptive perspective. What would someone interested in this job need to do to get started? What personal qualities/traits should a person have to be successful at this job? How did you get started in this field? How much of a challenge is your type of work? What types of writing do you do? When you write, who are your usual readers/audiences? What general tasks does your job entail? To put it simply, carpenters build things. They cut, fit, and join wood and other materials together.†¦show more content†¦Carpenters may also replace glass, ceiling tiles, and doors. Some carpenters repair desks and cabinets; put in doors and windows; change locks; and repair broken furniture. In a factory, carpenters may help move or install machinery. How stressful is your job? Carpentry work is sometimes stressful. It often involves standing for a long time, climbing, bending, and kneeling. Carpenters risk getting hurt from slipping or falling, or from working with sharp or rough tools. In relation to that, what are the working conditions like? As in other building trades, carpentry work is sometimes strenuous. Prolonged standing, climbing, bending, and kneeling are often necessary. Carpenters risk injury working with sharp or rough materials, using sharp tools and power equipment, and from slips or falls. Additionally, many carpenters work outdoors, which can be uncomfortable. Some carpenters change employers each time they finish a construction job. Others alternate between working for a contractor and working as contractors themselves on small jobs. Jobs Carpenters held about 1.1 million jobs in 1998. Most of them, about 80 percent, worked for contractors who build or repair buildings. Most others worked for private firms, government agencies, retail stores, and schools. Nearly one-third were self-employed. Carpenters get jobs in most parts of the country. Preparing for the job CarpentersShow MoreRelatedA Research Paper On Carpentry And Woodworking1392 Words   |  6 PagesMore and more women are joining the profession of carpentry even though the job is typically heavily dominated by men. Carpentry is the making, repairing, or altering of wood to form different objects. The occupation of a carpenter goes back to the Stone Age and is one of the oldest occupations around today. There are many different things to take into account when thinking about carpentry and woodworking. 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